Thursday, November 8, 2007

October 2007

We've had a fun month. Here's Rachelle at her school Halloween Fundraiser with a dancing skeleton. Cecily was freaked out by the dancing bones man to say the least. Rachelle was quite intrigued by this glowing, scary thing. We were a little late for the spook alley which bummed her out. Josh was a dalmation puppy, Cecily a barbie island princess, Rachelle is a sparkle diamond princess with spray painted hair.

Uncle Grant came to take his friend to a disney movie audition in Salt Lake. He turned Cecily's trick or treat bucket into a helmet for "bucket nan tucket". He made us all laugh and laugh. They loved having their funny uncle come and put on a play for them. Way to improv Grant!

Rachelle got an award in her Kindergarten class for always coming to school ready to learn. She is really enjoying her first year of school.

We went to Cornbelly's with the Preschool kids and their families. It's at Thanksgiving point and is lots of fun for the kids. They have a pumpkin patch, haunted dinasaur, and a fun trampoline/slide. When we went everybody else in the world and all the Utah families with all "them kids" came too because of UEA day which is when all the kids are out of school while their teachers are in a conference. But it was cheap because we went as a "Preschool".

Joshy is playing at the rubber ducky water races.
He loved watching the ducks and saying duck
and dunking them in the water.

Cecily and Rachelle use the bricks in front of the fireplace as a stage to sing any song they can think of and make up!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Our Day Today!

Today Joshy learned to say all the names in his family. He learned to say Joshy just a few days ago in the mirror. He already new Mommy and Daddy but Friday he said Cecily and pointed to her. Today he said Shell for Rachelle. He can say and point to the whole family now. He also loves to make messes and will take all the pens out of the bucket and then start singing the clean up song to pick just a few up.

Today inbetween General Conference we took a walk around the Provo temple. (By the way, I was inspired by President Eyring's talk about writing about his children in a journal each night so later they could see the ways the Lord had blessed them in their lives. Maybe this blog will help me in that area). As we got Josh situated in the stroller he pointed to the angel Moroni on the top of the temple and said "Jesus". Then as we walked closer to the front of the temple by the fountains he pointed to the temple and said "Jesus" again. It was one of those "out of the mouth of babes" moments.
Cecily wanted to walk at the temple and got out of the stroller, took two steps and said "boy, I'm tired out" just as a couple was passing by and laughed. Her voice is just so cute.

Later we took another walk and ended up by a little stream located at a nearby apartment complex. The girls enjoyed throwing leaves into the waterfall and watching the leaves move down each cascade. A little duck came too and Cecily immediatly said/sang: "and one little duck came waddling back" as she waddled in her little jacket with her hands out like a penguin. She was wearing her winter coat. (It's already snowing in the tops of the mountains here, burrrr). Rachelle also found a stick and had fun with that until she hit my foot one too may times.

After we got home and ate dinner Rachelle and Daddy were joking around and Daddy made a loud noise to scare Rachelle who started laughing continuously for about 10 minutes. Then Eric said Ho, ho, ho and Rachelle said, "you sound like Santa Daddy" but he said, "no, I'm like the Jolly green Giant". They got into a discussion about who he is and Eric convinced her he is at the grocery store. She's a little nervous but she wants to see who this guy is for herself. He also related that you can find elves and animals there too.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Our First Blog!!

Hello Everyone,
I am excited to join the bloggers. If it's anything like jogging, I'm sure I will love it. This is a picture of our family about a week ago with my (Erin's) Grandma Craner at our cousin Secilie Basham's house in Orem. Grandma was traveling through with Aunt Charlene and her husband Gary on their way to see Grandma's brother Pat out in Colorado. Our kids got to know my cousin's children that night and loved seeing all of these wonderful people who they usually only hear about.

Here is Rachelle right outside the door of Westridge Elementary ready to go inside for her first day of Kindergarten. Cecily wanted to be in the pictures too. All the kids in the neighborhood started a week earlier so Rachelle was very ready to begin a week and a day after they did.

Here's Cecily, Rachelle, and their cousin Sam on Labor Day. We all went for a short hike up Storm mountain located up Little Cottonwood Canyon in Salt Lake City.